Thank You!

Posted Friday June 17, 2022
Home About Us News Thank You!

As it is Volunteer Week it seemed like a great time to send out a big thank you to all of our volunteers. While we appreciate you every week of the year, Volunteer Week is a great reminder to us that without our volunteers, you, we simply could not provide the service we do.

You’re part of the team of 343 volunteers who contribute over 30,000 hours a year to the Hospice. Volunteers work with us in our five shops, helping with fundraising or working in one of the roles within the Hospice inpatient unit (reception, kitchen, housekeeping, gardening, biography service). I’ve already said it but I can’t emphasis enough that as an organisation we could not provide the level of service we do for patients and families in the Otago region without the support of volunteers like yourself.

So from me personally, and on behalf of all the staff and the Board at the Otago Community Hospice, I would like to offer our sincere thanks for your invaluable contribution.

We are humbled by our terrific volunteer workforce who bring skills, friendship, wisdom and commitment to our Hospice service.

Our best wishes to you all as we move into winter and a heartfelt thank you from all of us here as we take this time to celebrate our volunteers.

Kind regards

Ginny Green

Chief Executive
