Garden Working Bee

Posted Tuesday December 7, 2021
Home About Us News Garden Working Bee
Thursday 20th January 9am-3pm

We have a beautiful garden at the Hospice and a lot of it is maintained by volunteers.  Several times a year we have gardening working bees (generally we get approached by businesses who support their staff to do a day volunteering) however we have not been lucky enough to have had that this year.  So we are putting the call out to our all of our local volunteers.   This working bee will involve the hospice garden as well as 'Craig House' (a house adjacent to hospice which is for out of town families to stay).  We welcome experienced gardeners and novice gardeners.  If you are interested in being part of this day please contact Rebecca (  We will also be having another working bee with students at the end of February (date to be confirmed).
